Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This Week

This week we will be continuing our learning on 3D shapes.  The students are working in pairs to plan, construct & paint a 3D model of their choice.  We are focusing on working as a team (sharing ideas & decisions with others), how we can use different shaped boxes & containers in our designs, and recording the shapes we used on a graph.

We are learning what Easter is really all about - not chocolates & candy but Jesus' death and resurrection. We have been reading from a children's bible & talking about what we read.

We are focusing on how Jesus died on the cross for our sins (mistakes).  We all sin (make mistakes) and Jesus took the punishment that should have been ours by giving His life up for you and me on the cross.  And after three days he rose again.  He did this so that we could be part of His family and live in heaven with Him - and all we have to do is believe.  Believe that Jesus is the Son of God & that he died for our sins.  God desires a relationship with each one of us.

This is what Easter is about - remembering what Jesus did (dying for our sins) & who He died for (you & me).