Friday, March 29, 2013


Easter is the time when we celebrate God's amazing love for us.

We make so many mistakes and commit many sins but God's love, compassion and mercy towards us came in the form of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Jesus took on our sins, He paid the price for our failures so that we will not die but we can have life through Him. All we have to do is believe and ask God to enter our life and our hearts to follow Him.

This weekend take the time as a family to thank God for His awesome love for us and to thank Jesus for paying the price of death on our behalf. He is risen! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Learning Goals

This week the students will be learning:

- the sound the letter Jj makes and words that start with Jj
- taking away 1 (simple subtraction)
- about Easter: Jesus's death & resurrection
- using words to make a sentence
- how to plant seeds & how plants grow

April Calendar

Easter - Monday is Easter Monday and there is no school

Library Visits - Please check the calendar to see when your child's class will be walking over to the public library to select new books to use in the classroom. The students love using their library cards to take out books! :)

Yellow Day - Thursday April 11th is yellow day. Students can come to school dressed in yellow or bring in something that is yellow.

Purple Day - Thursday April 25th is purple day. Students can come to school dressed in purple or bring in something that is purple.

Scholastic's - Most of the senior kindergarten students have begun to read and it is extremely important to practice reading at home and to make it enjoyable. Scholastics offers great books at great prices which makes it easier for your child to select and purchase books that they are interested in.

Earth Day - Monday April 22nd is earth day. Please send your child to school with a litter less lunch (reusable containers & items that can be recycled) as a reminder that we have a responsibility to take care of our Earth.

Boxes - later in April we will be constructing things from different sizes & shapes of boxes, toilet paper rolls and small containers (like yogurt containers). Therefore, please start collecting these items at home. Further instructions will be sent home shortly.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Graduation Photos

Just a reminder that tomorrow the senior kindergarten students will be having their graduation photos taken.

If you would like to purchase the kindergarten composite (form was already sent home) please return the bottom portion of the form with your payment to school tomorrow.


Many of the students in Kindergarten have begun to read. Reading is an extremely important tool in life and developing good reading habits early on is crucial.

Take a look at the list of techniques a good reader uses and help your child to use these techniques while reading to you.

For children who have not started reading building a strong foundation of letter sounds, blending sounds together, and recognizing small words will encourage them & give them confidence in reading.

Also reading stories to your child builds their vocabulary, helps them recognize proper grammar & shows them that reading can be fun!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Celebrating Life Concert

This morning was St. Jude's celebrating life concert. The students enjoyed listening to the wonderful music and watching the great dancing!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today the kindergarten students joined the students from grade 1 to 6 for a special production by Big Kid Entertainment.

We watched a creative reinterpretation of Cinderella and The Frog Prince focusing on accepting differences in others and including everyone.

The show was very entertaining and educational. Everyone enjoyed it!

Check out their website for further information:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Learning Goals

This week the students are learning:

- The letter Ee: the sound it makes & words that start with Ee.

- About eggs: what we know about the eggs we eat, where they come from (chickens), and other animals that hatch from eggs.

- Simple subtraction by taking away one.

- About Easter and the price Jesus paid for us for our sins.

Please ask your child about the things they are learning in class! The more they share their experiences and new knowledge the stronger the foundation you are building in their lives!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Extending Our Learning

Thank you to all the parents who helped their child extend and reinforce their learning by completing the work we sent home over the March break!

There were so many good examples of using force (pull & push). Like pulling our zipper up on our coats, pulling our pants up our legs, pushing a checker piece across the board, and pushing a suitcase across the floor!

Thank you also for the good deed flowers and leaves! This is an excellent start to our spring tree. It was awesome to see all the good deeds being done by your children. Like helping to do laundry/sort the clothes, helping to clean up, bringing water to their dad, sharing or giving things to others.

If you haven't sent in your child's completed flowers & leaves there is still time to record all the wonderful things they do to add to our tree! We look forward to receiving them.


Here are a couple of photos of the amazing work some of the students brought back to school today.

Great job to all the children who shared their learning with their parents!

There is still time to send in your work if you haven't already :)

Welcome back!
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and we are happy to see you back! :)

Friday, March 08, 2013

March Break

Next week is March Break so there is no school. Classes will resume again on Monday March 18 at 8:30am.

This is a great time to practice the skills your child has learnt at school.
For students in senior kindergarten any extra help or practice they get with reading, writing and math will ensure they are ready for grade 1 next year.
For students in junior kindergarten this is the perfect time to strengthen the skills they have learnt as well to boost them ahead in school.

But most importantly spending quality time with your child is the very best thing you can do. Whether it is reading a book every afternoon, going to the park, visiting the Science Center or spending time at home.

Spending time and having a conversation with your child (making sure it is a two way conversation) is the best thing you could ever do.

Enjoy the week and we'll see you when you return!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Students have been learning about Isaac Newton's first law. An object requires a force: either a push or pull to make it move.

Students have been experimenting with and investigating the forces of push and pull in every day life. Such as pushing a door shut or pulling the door open and pulling a sled up a hill or pushing the sled down the hill etc.

This is a difficult concept for most children, therefore, please point out the people you see using push or pull to move things. Examples are someone who is kicking a ball is pushing the ball to make it move or when you take a box off the shelf you are using the force of pull to move it.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Learning Goals

This week we will be learning the name & sound of the letter Bb and we will be finding words that start with Bb.

Students will not be completing their regular letter work this week but will instead work on their own page to contribute to our class book: Book in a Box.

The students will continue to practice simple addition by creating adding on stories. Creating stories for the class addition book will continue to strengthen their verbal communication, creativity & thinking skills.

Through the borrow a book program students will have the opportunity to take home these books, as well as the other books we have previously created, to share their learning with you at home. Ask them to being home these books to share with you. Be sure to take interest in your child's work and to praise them for a job well done.