Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kortright Center

Our trip today to the Kortright Center was fun, educational & tiring.

We explored forests & marsh land and learned about & found insects - ants, beetles, dragonflies, Mosquitos, ladybugs, bees etc.

The students were able to practice & extend the learning we have been doing in the classroom into the real world.  We will continue using all that we have learned and complete butterfly life cycles over the next few days.

Please ask your child questions about insects to reinforce their learning at home!

Starter Questions:
- how many body parts do insects have? Can you name them?
     (3 parts - head, thorax & abdomen)
- how many legs do they have?
     (6 legs - on the sides of their thorax)
- what else do they have?
     (2 antenna, 2 eyes, 4 wings if they can fly)
- what are some jobs they do?
     (Pollinate, compost, recycle, eat bad bugs etc.)
- what are some types of insects?
     (Ladybug, ant, grasshopper, butterfly, dragonfly, mosquito, fly, bees, Beatle etc.)
- where do they live?
     (Everywhere but they like grass, trees, flowers etc.)