Come to school wearing a wacky hat, wacky hair and/or wacky clothes to show school spirit!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
The students will continue to learn about measurement this week:
- long & short
- big & small
- heavy & light
Today the students measured their own feet & then a part of a classmates body (arm/leg) with non-standard measuring devices. Take a look below:
Carnaval has begun! Today the students wore their winter hats all day & a scarf around their waist to participate in school spirit!
Tomorrow is fake moustache day! Wear or draw a fake moustache to school for the day!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Science Center
Our trip to the Science Center was excellent!

The students interacted with Sesame Street character displays to learn about parts of the body, how some of their bodily systems work, exercise & hygiene.
We explored the kids area where students experimented with different materials (ex: water, mirrors etc.) and activities (ex: balls/ramps).
We also took part in an interactive workshop where the students conducted small experiments to help solve a problem.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Science Center
Tomorrow is our trip to the Science Center!!!
- arrive before 8:30am
- wear school uniform: red top & black pants
- wear running shoes (no boots or snowpants)
- pack a healthy lunch, juice box & snack
- bring a small backpack or lunchbag to carry your lunch only
- regular dismissal at the end of the day
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Learning Goals
This week our learning goals are:
- the name & sound of the letter Bb
- words that start with Bb
- measurement
- length: short & long
- weight: heavy & light
- learning about our bodies
- science exploration (field trip)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Surveys & Graphing
Throughout the year we have been creating graphs as a class. This week the students learned how to take a survey and create their own graph to show their results.
Yesterday the SK students made up their own question to survey the class. They asked some of the students & tallied the answers. They then used their survey to create a bar graph to show their results. They presented their findings to the class.
The JK student have started to select a yes or no question to survey some of the students in the class. Questions include: Do you like the colour pink? Do you like to eat apples? etc. They will share their results with a partner.
Take a look at some of the amazing work the SK's did:
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Tomorrow is pink day! Come to school dressed in pink for Valentine's day!
Also please remember to return the last page of the report card (signed) and your completed surveys tomorrow.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Valentine's Day
Please remember to bring in your Valentine's Day cards early!
Thank you to those parents who already returned their surveys! Please try to get them back to school as soon as possible.
Have a great evening!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Report Cards
First term report cards are coming home today. Please read over your child's report card & send back the last page signed.
Also, each family will receive two surveys. The first about international languages which is due back by Friday and the second about the Multi Year Strategic Plan which is due back next week.
It is important that you complete both surveys and return them as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Friday is Valentine's day!
Some students have already brought in their Valentine cards to share with the class.
If you will be sending cards/treats for the class please send them in BEFORE Friday so that your child will have the opportunity to give out their cards.
Thank you for your cooperation.
P.S. Also if you have not already done so you must return your field trip notes & money tomorrow.
Friday, February 07, 2014
Our Community
Before Christmas we had learned about places in our community - police station, hospital, library, bakery etc.
Today we discussed people in our community and the jobs they do. When they get home tonight ask your child to tell you 2-3 people in their community!
Thursday, February 06, 2014
Family Day Activities
Here are some websites with family day activities! 4 Kids - Family Day - Family Events
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
Just a few reminders:
Do not send food to school with nuts. This includes Nutella, chocolate bars or hazelnut flavoured treats etc.
Every child must have a pair of indoor shoes to be kept at school. Make sure the shoes fit correctly and are suitable for gym (do not send laces unless your child can do them up on their own).
We go outside regularly so please dress your child for the weather with boots, hats, mittens, scarfs & snow pants.
Label all your child's clothing so it can be returned to you if lost.
Pizza is available for purchase every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for $2.50.
Pasta is available for purchase every Tuesday & Thursday for $3.
If you order pasta please make sure you send a fork to school with your child.
Read the poems sent home on the weekend & return their poem book & note bag to school every Monday to make sure you stay up to date.
When a book comes home read it for as long as you like with your child and then return it to get a new book to read.
Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Learning Goals
This week we are learning:
- the name & sound of the letter Ll
- words that start with Ll
- position: in/out & up/down
- about Valentine's Day
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