Saturday, June 28, 2014
We wish all parents and students an amazing summer spending time together & having fun engaging in lots of summer activities!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Tomorrow is yellow day so wear something that is yellow or bring in something that is yellow!
Also, report cards go home tomorrow! :)
Friday, June 20, 2014
Each student today took home their journal from the year. Included with their journal entries are photos from the year and some of their work.
Please enjoy looking through the book with your child and hopefully you'll save it as a reminder of all the fun things we did during the year!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Tomorrow the whole school will be treated to a small hotdog and drink for lunch!
Please make sure to still pack snacks for your child to eat throughout the day.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Wednesday at 9:30am is our class' graduation ceremony in the school gym.
Please make sure your child arrives to school by 8:30am so they can prepare for the ceremony & receive their gown before the ceremony starts.
As well, SK's are asked to bring in a peanut free treat to share with the class in the afternoon for our graduation party!
See you all Wednesday morning!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Father's Day
Just a reminder that Friday is our Father's Dat popcorn party!
Father's are incites to join their child at school at 2:00pm to eat popcorn & complete activities with their child.
See you Friday!
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Reading Skills
We have worked very hard this year and all of the SK's in our class are reading on their own! Some at a kindergarten level and most at a grade 1 level or higher. We also have a handful of JK students reading at a kindergarten level as well!
Reading is a vital skill that needs to be practiced. Please buy or borrow kindergarten and grade 1 level books for your child to read to you. They should be stories with 1-2 sentences on each page.
I strongly encourage parents to buy levelled readers from scholastics or other stores to practice reading with your child over the summer. The stronger their reading skills the easier the transition will be to grade 1.
When your child is stuck on a word help them learn strategies for figuring the word out: look at the pictures, sound out the word, break the word up into smaller bits they know, rereading to make sure what they are reading sounds right etc.
Reading level appropriate books over the summer will boost their confidence in their own abilities!
Monday, June 02, 2014
Tomorrow is freezie day again!
If you would like your child to purchase a large freezie please send $1 to school. All the proceeds support the upcoming grade 4 field trip!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Important Notes
The grade 4 classes will be raising money for their upcoming field trip by selling freezes tomorrow - Wed May 28 & on Tues June 3. Students can bring $1 to buy a jumbo freeze on these days only.
Please remember to send your heart & stroke fundraising envelope back to school. The money raised will help children and adults suffering from heart disease.
Friday is Hawaiian Dress Down Day.
The Senior Kindergarten students will be having their graduation on Wednesday June 18th at 9:30 am in the school gym. All parents are invited to attend the ceremony.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Jump Rope for Heart
Today was our Jump Rope for Heart event! All the students had fun skipping outside this afternoon! Remember to bring your completed pledge envelopes to school on Monday!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Learning Goals
This week the students will be learning simple subtraction - taking away 1 or 2.
They are continuing to learn to answer questions using the words who, where, what, how, when & why.
They will also be reviewing letter names & sounds.
Although we are constantly assessing the work completed in class, next week we will be sitting with the students one on one to assess their knowledge of letter names & sounds, oral counting, number recognition & reading skills. The more you work with your child at home the stronger these skills will be.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
This week we were very fortunate to have staff from the aquarium visit our school and teach the students about sharks. Each student also made their own mini shark to take home!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Tomorrow is Spring Photo Day!
Because of photos it is also a dress down day for the school.
Students can wear anything they like but do but wear green as it interferes with the photo background.
Learning Goals
This week we will be learning:
- the name & sound of Zz
- words that have z in them
- counting forwards means numbers get bigger & counting backwards means they get smaller
- simple subtraction: taking away 1
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
We had a great time on our trip to the aquarium today!
We saw different types of sharks, stingrays, seahorses, different types of jelly fish, lobsters, different types of reef fish etc.
The students were also able to pet horseshoe crabs and a small type of shark! We also saw an aquarium worker dive into one of the tanks and feed the different fish!
We saw so many amazing ocean animals! It is definitely worth a family trip!
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Field Trip & Graduation Photos
Tomorrow is our field trip to the Aquarium!!!
1) Please make sure your child arrives to school early - before 8:30am.
2) In a small backpack your child can carry please send:
- a lunch
- a snack
- 2 drinks
3) Students must be dressed in uniform: black pants & red top.
4) Have your child wear running shoes to school so they will be comfortable walking around for the entire day.
On a different note: if senior kindergarten students would like to purchase graduation photos tomorrow is the last day to do so. You must send your completed form & the correct amount of money to school tomorrow to order photos.
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Learning Goals
This week we will be leaning:
- the name and sound of the letter Xx
- words that start with Xx
- simple addition (adding on 1 or 2)
- counting on from an already known number
- how a plant grows
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Please remember to return your form stating whether or not you will be attending the Art Gallery & family math night on Monday May 5. Forms need to be returned by Friday.
Also, if you have received a letter about the Kindergaten Lanuguage Program please send that form to school by Friday as well.
Thank you for your continued support.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Earth Week
This week is Earth Week and we will be discussing different ways we can take care of our Earth.
Tomorrow will be blue day so students can wear blue to school.
Thursday will be litter less lunch day - please do not sent wrappers, foul or plastic wrap to school but use containers instead.
Friday we will be playing Earth Day bingo as a class. As well, we will be having a spring dress down day so please bring a toonie to school.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Forms have gone home for the Kindergarten Language Program. If you have received a form please sign it and send it back to school on Tuesday.
Also, the deadline is quickly approaching for our trip to the Aquarium - please send your child's trip form & money to school on Tuesday.
Have a very happy Easter and enjoy your weekend together! :D
3D Shapes Project
The students all did a great job working on their projects! The SK's will be taking their project home today. Display it proudly in their room or show it off for others to see! Here are the finished projects!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
This Week
This week we will be continuing our learning on 3D shapes. The students are working in pairs to plan, construct & paint a 3D model of their choice. We are focusing on working as a team (sharing ideas & decisions with others), how we can use different shaped boxes & containers in our designs, and recording the shapes we used on a graph.
We are learning what Easter is really all about - not chocolates & candy but Jesus' death and resurrection. We have been reading from a children's bible & talking about what we read.
We are focusing on how Jesus died on the cross for our sins (mistakes). We all sin (make mistakes) and Jesus took the punishment that should have been ours by giving His life up for you and me on the cross. And after three days he rose again. He did this so that we could be part of His family and live in heaven with Him - and all we have to do is believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God & that he died for our sins. God desires a relationship with each one of us.
This is what Easter is about - remembering what Jesus did (dying for our sins) & who He died for (you & me).
Friday, April 11, 2014
Aquarium Trip
Our next field trip is approaching fast!
We will be going to the new Aquarium downtown. In your child's backpack is a field trip note. Please sign both sheets and return it with the money as soon as possible.
We can only take 6 parents on the trip with us and parents will be determined on a first come, first serve basis.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Purple Day
Tomorrow is purple day!
You can wear purple or bring something to school that is purple tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Today the senior kindergarten students wrote a poem about rain.
They took the poem structure "Rain on the ..." from a book we had read. They had to choose something rain could fall on and then add a word to describe that word ex: dirty car, stinky baby, happy rock star etc. After lunch each student had a turn reading their poem infront of a grade one class to practice their presenting skills.
Here are a few of the poems:
Monday, April 07, 2014
Learning Goals
This week we will be learning:
- the sound for the letters qu
- words that start with qu
- about submarines & ocean life
- how to work in partners
- to plan, build & record information about a model built with boxes & other materials
- about celebrating Jesus' death & resurrection at Easter
Friday, April 04, 2014
Next week the students will be working in pairs to complete a project.
They will design and build an object of their choice. Last year we had a variety of different structures like Mickey Mouse, a rocket ship, a train etc.
To make their structure students will need to bring a bag full of boxes, cans & other materials to school on Monday. Collect items over the weekend instead of putting them in recycling. Items to send to school can include:
- toilet paper rolls
- empty tissue boxes or shoe boxes
- empty & clean containers (yogurt, margarine, cream cheese etc.)
- smaller boxes or shaped containers (ring boxes, CD cases, juice boxes etc).
Enjoy the weekend!
Today's Activities
Here is are a few of the activities we did today.
The SK's loved playing sight word Jenga! When they pulled out a block they had to read the word in it before putting it on the top. Jenga is also great for fine motor skills & coordination!
Some of the JK's worked together at matching uppercase & lowercase letters.
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Family Games Night
Click the link to read an article on the benefits of having family games night!
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
SK Graduation Photos
Tomorrow the SK's will be taking their graduation photos. They will e provided gowns & hats for the photo. They can wear a white collard shirt to school tomorrow (if they would like) for under the gown.
Also, tomorrow is the last day to pay for the composit picture if you want it. It is $25 and it will be in a folder & have small pictures of all the SK's graduating. Please send the money & form to school tomorrow morning if you want to buy one. Otherwise individual photo options will be sent home later on with poses to choose from.
Learning Goals
This week we are learning:
- the name and sound of the letter Ww
- words that start with Ww
- the names of 3D shapes: cone, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, cube & rectangular prism
- characteristics of 3D shapes: corners, edges, sides
- what objects are made of 3D shapes: box & ice (cube), can of soup (cylinder), ice cream cone & party hat (cone), pizza box (rectangular prism) etc.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Focus on the Family Article
10 ways to boost your child's academic potential
Click the title above to read a great article about how you can encourage academic success at home!
Click the title above to read a great article about how you can encourage academic success at home!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Good Deeds Tree
We are eager to fill up out tree with all the good deeds your child is doing at home and in their community.
Please write something good your child has done on the leaves and flowers we have sent home. Remember to send them to school so we can encourage & congratulate your child on their successes!
A good deed can be as simple as helping mom fold laundry, cleaning up after a baby brother or sister, helping a friend or giving compliment etc. Feel free to write on each leaf or flower anything you want to praise your child for!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Learning Goals
This week the students will be learning:
- the name & sound of the letter Uu
- words that start with Uu
- SK's are continuing to learn double letter sounds (th, sh, ar, or etc.)
- recognizing & naming 2D shapes (square, circle, hexagon, diamond etc.)
- tracing & cutting out different shapes
- creating 2D shapes out of different materials (Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, pipe cleaner etc.)
- using 2D shapes to create pictures & art (a house, castle etc.)
- how we can be healthy (eating a balanced diet, exercise, getting enough sleep, hygiene etc.)
- about healthy foods & meals
Friday, March 21, 2014
Cutting Skills
Being able to hold scissors & to cut accurately is an important skill to learn. It also strengthens hand muscles which will assist with other fine motor skills.
In class we were cutting pictures out of flyers for our class shape book and most of the JK students struggled to cut out their pictures - either cutting through the picture (because they didn't know how to turn their hands) or ripping the paper (because they didn't open & close the scissors enough or correctly). As much as we work with your child at school it is important that you also work with them at home to ensure they are practicing & learning.
Please give your child flyers & assist them in cutting out pictures. Have them look for a theme & cut out pictures that match that theme. Ex: cut out the healthy foods, or cut out anything that is a square shape, or cut out anything that is red etc.
Watch your child & teach them to:
- hold the scissors correctly
- hold & move the paper with their other hand
- open & close the scissors as much as possible so they aren't just ripping the paper with the tip of their scissors
- cut around the object they want
The little bit of time & effort you put in each weekend will go a long way in their development & confidence.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Today we learned how to plant!
FIRST - put the soil in the pot & pat it down
NEXT - carefully put the seeds in the soil
THEN - put water on the seeds
LAST - put the pot in the sun beside the window
Ask your child to tell you how they planted!
Encourage your child to use the words: first, next, then, last when describing how to do something (set the table, put their toys away, help with dinner etc.).
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Learning Goals
This week the students will be learning:
- the name & sound of the letter Ff
- words that start with Ff
- about seeds & how to plant flowers
- how to name, describe & identify 2D shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle
Monday, March 17, 2014
Welcome Back
IWelcome back! We hope everyone had a restful and fun week!
Thank you to all the students who returned their finished picture of their family! The students enjoyed sharing them with the class and talking about the different people in their families. Students who brought back their pictures received a prize for their hard work at home! If you forgot to send the picture to school students can finish it tonight & bring it tomorrow so they can share them with the class & get a prize.
Also cookie dough orders are due tomorrow. Please send your completed order forms & money to school tomorrow!
Thursday, March 06, 2014
March Break
Tomorrow is a PA Day & next week is March break. School resumes again on Monday March 17.
Today we sent home a homework kit with fun activities you & your child can do over the break. The activities included in the kit reinforce the learning happening at school. Please take some time to complete the activities as often as you can with your child. Instructions are included inside the kit.
Students who return the lacing activities & the art work of their families on Monday March 17 will get a small prize!
Also, please remember cookie sales are also due back on Monday March 17.
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Tomorrow Panino Cappuccino will be giving all the students in the school a free hotdog lunch!
Therefore you do not need to send lunch to school tomorrow. But your child will still need snacks for the rest of the day.
Our first snack of the day is at 9:30 am. It is important that the students eat breakfast every morning BEFORE coming to school. Also, chocolate bars & candy is not an appropriate snack for the morning. Therefore, please make sure you are sending a healthier snack for the morning like fruit, cereal, granola bars etc.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Pancake Tuesday
In preparation for the start of lent tomorrow we had pancakes for snack!
The students had fun making the pancakes & eating them. We learned about procedure: first, next, then, last when talking about how we made the pancakes.
The SK's wrote & illustrated our pancake procedure & the JK's used picture cards to show it. Encourage your child to use these words at home when describing a process or procedure.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wacky Day
Tomorrow is wacky day to celebrate the end of Carnaval!
Come to school wearing a wacky hat, wacky hair and/or wacky clothes to show school spirit!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
The students will continue to learn about measurement this week:
- long & short
- big & small
- heavy & light
Today the students measured their own feet & then a part of a classmates body (arm/leg) with non-standard measuring devices. Take a look below:
Carnaval has begun! Today the students wore their winter hats all day & a scarf around their waist to participate in school spirit!
Tomorrow is fake moustache day! Wear or draw a fake moustache to school for the day!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Science Center
Our trip to the Science Center was excellent!

The students interacted with Sesame Street character displays to learn about parts of the body, how some of their bodily systems work, exercise & hygiene.
We explored the kids area where students experimented with different materials (ex: water, mirrors etc.) and activities (ex: balls/ramps).
We also took part in an interactive workshop where the students conducted small experiments to help solve a problem.

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